Transport – Services

Our Transport Services

Our Transport Services

Our pursuit of sustainable transport solutions and engineering a healthier, happier and more resilient society is central to everything that we do.

We used the knowledge learned from our Structural Engineering colleagues’ Embodied Carbon Tool to develop a Transport Carbon Tool which forecasts the GHG emissions of transport activities associated with buildings. This allows us to model the impact of a building before putting a spade in the ground; considering the mitigation to implement which will have the greatest environment benefit.

At a site level accessibility and connectivity are critical factors affecting the potential of a site. Moving away from a reliance on private car ownership, space within sites can be unlocked to be better utilised for public realm and implement micro-mobility hubs. This not only creates great places to visit but the shift towards sustainable travel has a large part to play in reducing GHG emissions from the transport sector.

– Access Appraisals
– Transport Masterplanning & Placemaking
– Transport Assessments / Transport Statements
– Transport Carbon Impact Assessments
– Travel Plans
– Delivery & Servicing Plans
– Construction Logistics Plans
– Car Park Management Plans
– Environmental Statements
– Highway & Public Realm Design

You can find out more about our services here.

With a third of the UK’s GHG emission coming from the Transport sector, transport has a big part to play in the fight against climate change. Early involvement of our transport team enables maximum carbon savings (embodied carbon and GHG emissions) over the lifecycle of the building.

Melanie de Wet Associate Director, Head of Transport

Transport-orientated Projects