Forge, Surrey – Projects


A commercial redevelopment of an unloved concrete frame in Woking Surrey. The proposals put forward by Hawkins\Brown Architects radically update the site allowing it to become one of the town’s most forward-thinking office buildings. A building that encourages workers to be healthier by encouraging them to cycle to work, in through reception and down a new cycle ramp to gym and changing spaces.

We’ve also worked to insert an adaptable timber and steel grid into the existing atrium that invites co-workers to meet and collaborate but also to use stairs to reach the upper floors rather than waiting for the lift.

We’ve maximised the client’s asset by converting fourth floor plant spaces to new office areas, and the ground floor slab has been lowered, improving access and visibility of the building by turning the entrance to face from the rest of the town off Yorkshire Way.

A lightweight steel and CLT frame is being used, fitting an adaptable grid which has flexibility for future dismantling and re-development whilst also taking care not to add significant pressure to the existing foundations. A key constraint of the project has been investigated the existing building and identifying the risks associated with adding loads to the existing structure.

The new design makes a careful combination of use of lightweight materials as well as the investigation of the existing concrete frame and strengthening where required to achieve the goals set within this challenging brief.

Forge, Surrey
Forge, Surrey
Forge, Surrey
Forge, Surrey
Forge, Surrey
Forge, Surrey
Forge, Surrey